Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What would be your piece of encouragement that you could tell me today? :)

"You have been permitted to understand the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven, but others have not. To those who are open to my teaching, more understanding will be given, and they will have an abundance of knowledge. But to those who are not listening, even what they have will be taken away from them. That is why I tell these stories, because people see what I do, but they don't really see. They hear what I say, but they don't really hear, and they don't understand." (Matthew 13:11-13, NLT)

Ask me anything

Monday, August 30, 2010

Seeking Him

So ,.I needed to take a walk earlier to clear my mind,. or better put ,.to regain my focus ,.and as Christians ,.our focus should always be on Jesus, yet so often ,.the things that we feel can help us to do our Christian work ,.that of being good and faithful servants as we help lead lost souls to the Lord,.can one way or another end up being where our focus shifts,.upon the things ,.the tools ,.and now we are seeking the providence ,.and not the Provider ,." Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven,..." I know that sometimes ,.in all honesty, quite often I can fall into the trap of becoming much too judgmental about worldly and material possessions ,.and how we as a whole,.albeit from my perspective we are failing to "steward" them for God's glory ,.how can we be a good testimony to the world for Christ if we choose not to use everything that God has given us to do as much as we can to further God's will ,or for that matter ,.and probably even more challenging,.is to not use the things that God has not given us, and not do the what is not His will,..and wrapped up in this question lay many of our challenges ,..and for each of them we can Thank God that the Bible holds all of our answers ,.though on earth here for the time being as we are still attached to these bodies of flesh we will have our own subjective opinions ,..and subjectivity leads to judgmentalism ,.if there is anything that I believe God has been trying to show us ,.it is that we do not make very good judgments,.there are in fact no good judgments,.it was wanting to have knowledge of good and evil that lead us into this mess in the first place ,.and thinking that one can judge ,.or in effect do better than God ,.is what got satan kicked out of Heaven ,.so the whole of our worldly decisions and choices must then rely upon using our God given ability to discern ,.and this discernment comes from staying in the word ,..for this is the truth that we have been given from God ,." And you shall know the Truth ,.and the Truth shall set you free" !

What's the biggest mistake you've ever made? ...and what lesson did you learn from it?

Not believing in Jesus ,..Thank God I was fortunate enough to be found, and come to know The Truth of The Gospel,...had I not ,.the lesson I would have learned would have been what hell is like ,.most definitely not a pleasant lesson to learn !

Ask me anything

Is God the same as #God

So ,.I ask you ,.do you believe that God is the same as #God ? Or perhaps are we looking for a "#God" within this wicked web we have woven ,.that is actually a #God unto ourselves ,.a form of idolatry that would constitute sin ,..I ask this question honestly and in a genuine attempt to hopefully spark some feedback that I myself need ,.of course the feedback that I am trying to seek first and foremost is from God ,..and maybe #God too ,...I guess we'll have to wait and we'll see who answers first !